but I know Who holds the future.

I’m waking up today thankful. God has given me so much: from a great house, to a wise husband, friends and family who love me, a rewarding job, good health, a vibrant church, people to pour into, wisdom through the Word of God, whispers from the Holy Spirit – I have so much to be thankful for.

I’m especially thankful for what the Lord has been teaching me in this season: be present, don’t worry.

The Lord has been teaching me how to take inventory of my life by forcing me to focus only on what is in front of me today. It has not been an easy task, as only God knows, but I wouldn’t trade this experience.

I woke up a little before 5 a.m. this morning, and that NEVER happens without an alarm, so I figured that the Lord wanted me awake. I got up, did Pilates, went on a short walk (in the pitch black dark, I might add), made some coffee, and now I’m here.

This – this right now – is the slowness I’ve been craving. Just the freedom to have the time and not have to rush off somewhere is so nice… and here I sit, a day and a half into the two-week Spring Break extension due to the Coronavirus.

It’s crazy that just a few weeks ago my student Khang kept making jokes about this virus, like EVERY DAY, and I thought nothing of it. Never would I have thought that it would become the big deal that it is.

Isn’t that the lesson, though? Our system, everything we operate out of, is so FRAGILE. One single microorganism can destroy it all if it’s not stopped.

I know this is just the beginning. And even as I write those words, I feel like I did in my classroom with Khang, knowing it’s there and possible but cannot truly imagine it becoming reality.

BUT – there is a God who sees all and knows all. I don’t know what’s next in my own life, much less the life of the world and everyone in it, but I rest knowing that I don’t have to “worry about tomorrow, for each day is sufficient for itself,” and I have a God that tells me “not [to] be anxious about anything, but in everything to submit [my] requests to God with thanksgiving…so the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard [my] heart and mind in Christ Jesus” (Matt. 6:34; Phil. 4:6-7).

Please let me know how I can pray for you by commenting below. Or if you have questions about God or this peace, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll answer you honestly, and if I don’t have the answer, I’ll find someone who will.

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