I’ve been itching to start a blog for the past 4 (or so) years. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to start, but then I would hit a block. What do I write about? Who is my target audience? What do they want to hear? But there are so many blogs out there, who would want to read mine? And then that ever haunting question… am I even good enough?

I know… ridiculous, right? Very self-absorbed and (insert adjective here for me that I can’t think of at the moment). It’s especially stupid when I think about the fact that it’s not even about me! I know that- I’ve been taught that. “It’s about Jesus,” as my fellow Sunday-schoolers can echo with me.

But really… IT IS!

And when I finally came to grips with the selfishness of my heart, prayed and allowed the Holy Spirit to speak- WHOA! THE PEACE!

I remember it like it was yesterday… except it wasn’t; it was today. I was on a run (getting back into it, not a pro by any means), and I was talking to God about my dream: my dream to share His Truth on a public platform. Like all dreams, you don’t just walk into the end product, so I’ve been trying to figure out how I piece it together. I was telling the Lord all I’ve done, what hasn’t worked, what has…BOOM! The words ring in my ears “I’VE!” The Lord made me eat my own words: “Yes, all that YOU have tried to do. What about what I’m trying to do?”

So naturally, being a human, I thought, “But I have prayed and consulted You and I haven’t felt anything definite…” STOP THERE, SISTER. Who am I to talk back to my Creator and Maker who loves me and knows everything when I know nothing? Then, I repented. And actually started having a reverent heart, asking and waiting. That’s when the peace came in- the peace that I am not good enough, but Jesus through me is and that’s all I have to be is faithful.

Feeling sure that I’m to proceed with this blog writing thing, I started brainstorming names for my blog with the Holy Spirit. Tetelestai something, Finish Strong, Race On, Race…something. I wanted it focused around the idea of aiming for the eternal prize of being with Christ. Synonyms start turning in my head- LEGACY! Perfect. But Legacy what? PROJECT! Yes, because I’m a teacher and I can relate to that word and others know it’s like a work in progress type idea- that’s it: The Legacy Project! I ended that run sure that was the name.

That was until I was sitting in (one of) my local Starbucks drinking my cold brew with sweet cream and I googled the name. A business already claimed it… well, that’s out. But I still had the vision. I want my content to focus on living life for a legacy- the intentional living that creates a wake of impact during and after.

So, like a good English teacher (and what I tell my students to do), I went to thesaurus.com and searched for synonyms, brainstormed combinations in my notebook, and decided on Live Designed. Broad enough to incorporate a variety of content, but specific enough to describe the focus to my readers (YOU!). Now you know the why behind the name! And just a brief summary on how I got here, writing and typing for the glory of Christ.

For more info about this mission of Live Designed, check out my ‘About” section!

As I end this first blog post, let me promise you that I DO NOT know it all and I have deep set insecurities and fears I am conquering, but I will always be real, take constructive criticism and I’m here for YOU. Jesus told me to, and He is who I aim to please. I care about you because He does. And I want to help you live a life designed with a purpose set on a hope that is beyond this world.

Let’s really end by having your input: what is a gifting that has been given to you that drives what you do? What’s your why? I’d love to know; leave a comment below!

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  1. My why…..why do you ask such a difficult question?!?!
    I am driven by the thought…”I can and I will.” There have been so many things happen in my life where I asked the typical “Why me, God?” Or “How do I live with/without…(fill in the blank)?” My “why” lives in and around showing my biological and adopted (thru being my student) that ALL things are possible with Christ!πŸ’—


    1. Definitely been there with that β€œWhy me, God” question! I’m glad that He is the great orchestrated and can handle our measly doubts and transform them into something that’s for our good and His glory πŸ™ŒπŸ» Love that β€œwhy” that you have! So happy that you are at Bowie and are instilling that into the next generation! 😊❀️ And thank you so much for being my first follower and commenter! πŸ€— I was so giddy when I got this notification and am encouraged by your engagement with me on my blog 😘❀️


    1. AIMMMM! 😍 thank you for your encouragement and comment!! ❀️❀️ I will do so!!
      I’ve been thinking about you and will text you so you can tell me how your first year teaching was! You did ittttt!! πŸ€—πŸŽ‰

      Liked by 1 person

  2. First off, you da bomb Beanlandddddd!
    Haha. But, a gift that has been given to me that drives what I do is my yearning to build relationships. As I’m getting older, I’m realizing that God has placed me in this season of singleness for a reason. I want to one day encompass my passion for people with Special needs, single mothers, and mental health and do something grand with it. Whether they are by themselves or can all work together in a beautiful business. This road I am going down is not just for me. I must share my passion with others.
    I applaud you sooo much Beanland for taking a step on faith and doing this. We were justttt talking about it and look at you now! Let your insecurities and fears be the last thing in your mind. Your voice is yours so God can speak through you. Keep speaking and keep believing. God’s doing something amazing in you and I absolutely love it. I’m sooo proud of you! Love you sooo much girl. ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mensahhhhhhh!! Thank you for commenting!! 😘😘 yes! I can speak to that gift in your life! Those kids at Bowie (and all people) are sooo blessed by it! I love those passions, too- speaking into the needs of those are definitely needing extra help in many different ways #jesus. I know you’ll do it- I believe in you! And in the meantime, you are still living it out, in a grand way, with the way that you love others ❀️❀️
      Thank you for that encouragement! My heart needs it! Excited anxiousness is what this venture is bahaha I’m honored to call you friend- I love you soooo muchhhhh!! 😘❀️


  3. Loved this! Looking forward to reading more in the future. β€οΈπŸ™ŒπŸΌ


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