This past year we got a new principal at the school I work at. He had this amazing idea, one he established at his previous school, to have a set of non-negotiable expectations that us as a staff can rally around to hold ourselves and our students accountable. He called it “The Big 5.”

This “Big 5” needed to be something that, as a staff, we agreed upon. Like all schools, we had (have) our areas for improvement, so this “Big 5” needed to be standards that addressed those concerns, simple but pointed, so that in situations where stress can cause us to stray, we can objectively come back to those in order to help us strive for our end goal. (Our end goal being to cultivate a more positive, safe environment for our staff and students.)

This idea was a hit and a success! We voted, came to a consensus, and set the standard. Easy, peasy. The hard part came in with the execution (always the hardest part). Execution (not in the literal sense) is a messy process…because LIFE. And life with teenagers, wellllll, it tends to be even MORE messy (teachers, parents- can I get an AMEN?!).

Because in that mess, if we are not focused on the goal of the end product, we will not hit the target.

And even then, you can’t just aimlessly meander and think you’ll get there; compromise will set in. It takes intentional effort to get to the picture that you want to see.

You probably won’t be surprised to know that with this newfound anchor of the “Big 5” (and lots of work in the “in-between”), the year ended much better than it began. Our tardies and discipline referrals were down, and there was a more positive atmosphere and culture.

And in this idea of the “Big 5” for our school (Thanks, Mr. Lizardo!) birthed mine: the “Big 5” of my life. What are the 5 things that anchor my soul? That tethers it when the hurricane of life threatens to swoop in and blow it away?

Numero Uno: Scripture

Whatever career you have, wherever you are in life, you’ve had those hurricanes: those times when fear blew in, a flood of doubt threatened to drown you, the electricity in your heart went out. And in those moments, what did you cling to? When it’s hard to look at what’s in front of you, what’s the truth that keeps you from being shaken?

For me, it’s the Word of God. (Hint: More to come on how the Bible is true, historically and scientifically.)

Fall 2018 brought more challenges than I anticipated. I love opportunities and possibilities and playing a part in the big picture of things, so when I was graciously offered new responsibilities at work, I couldn’t resist. I don’t regret taking them on, and I really do think I had enough time for them all, however, there were some bumps and bruises that had it not been for Scripture, I don’t know what my comfort would’ve been.

Hear me: I’m not complaining. Ultimately, I’m thankful because I learned lessons from those experiences that I don’t think I could’ve learned another way; they made me better, stronger. But to give you more specific context, my responsibilities were teaching 2 different classes (one of which I had never taught before), English 1 Level Leader, member on the PBIS team, and Student Council sponsor. It was just enough on the plate to not have room for much more (and not be overwhelmed).

At first, things were fine. The year started off great (I love beginnings!), and I was excited for all this newness. A couple months in, things started to fall apart. It was hard to balance 2 different classes, the stress of leading a team of teachers, balancing doing errands for StuCo and Friday night football game travels- this made me really admire those working moms out there because I couldn’t imagine adding children on top of it all! #rockstars And I had definitely found the class that was bound to sprout a few grays in this beautiful head of brown!

Fear blew in: I didn’t want to go to work. Crap kept coming, and I was scared it would never go away.

“The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23: 1

A flood of doubt threatened to drown me: am I really qualified to be doing all of this? Do I have what it takes?

“He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul…” Ps. 23: 2-3a

The electricity in my heart was going out: why is this the cycle of teaching? How much longer will I have to endure this?

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Ps. 23: 4

Every morning I had to pray on my way to work. I needed strength; strength that wasn’t my own because I could feel that I wasn’t strong enough. I found it in this prayer written by King David. Maybe you recognize it. God wrote these words through King David, who lived thousands of years ago, to speak to me in my time of longing.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Ps. 23:5-6

Even though I couldn’t run away from my reality (though I really wanted to) – even though my circumstances didn’t disappear, God was there with me. His Word anchored my soul and refocused my heart on the end goal. It reminded me that even though it may not make sense now, God would orchestrate this mess that our sin-tainted world brought in and use it for His glory (and my good). My hope and comfort is set on getting to be forever in His presence someday, but right now, He has given me a table in the midst of my enemies, called me to sit at it and eat with them, inviting them, too, into His presence.

And even though this story was about me, you’ve been there- you’ve wished your circumstances could be different, happier. His Word is for you as well. It’s a place of solace, clarity- the secrets of life, really. I pray it draws you in and sets your sights on the hope that is beyond what is seen.

Let’s hear from you: When the hurricane comes, what anchors your soul to the ground? What is deep in your heart that brings sanity to the insane?

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  1. This is so true and relatable. The teacher-cycle is horrendous. Some days you just don’t want to get out of bed in the morning and others you’re ready to go! Thanks for the good word!

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  2. While scripture is not always my first turn, I do have a few things that anchor me when the storms blow in (especially with teacher life)! I know we have had shared causers (not sure that’s a word) of gray hair.
    DTIP– An excellent piece of advice given to me by an outstanding man at our school “Don’t Take It Personal!” All people are going through stuff which often rubs off on others. It’s rarely meant to hurt you specifically, so don’t allow it to throw you.
    The other is H.O.P.E. “Hold On Possibilities Exist” There is always hope when you have faith!
    Lastly, “God will make a way when there seems to be no way!”

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      1. When faced with a storm, I literally have to take a break, go to a quiet place and read the word, listen to some worship music, and/or pray. In that quiet place, I’ll pray, cry, pray some more for strength and guidance, wipe my tears and walk out having a little bit more faith that I can conquer that battle before me. Centering myself back on God allows me to clear my head and realize that whatever battle is before me, God already has fought in it and won.
        When I’m @ School: The bathroom (preferably the one in the work room bc the girl’s bathrooms are disgusting and always have some gossip on the wall lol).
        When I’m @ Home: My room or the bathroom.


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